Monday, July 12, 2010


Danika wanted me to blog . . . so yeah , B L E H H ! !! !!!
i got back into tafe (y) Diploma of Hospitality - Semester 2
back to waking up at 5-6 , walking to bus stop when its still dark , working my ass off all day for a one hr break at 12.00 , catching bus home at 4 and sleeping the whole way . F M L haha

came home and went straight to bed . didnt take off my bag/shoes etc . . . just crashed . && it starts all over again tomoro . . . YAY ! !! !!!

hmm , yes i know - havnt blogged in agez - been busy clubbing and partying before my course started today == . Cnt wait til friday ; clubbing with the boys x] Cnt wait to fcukn get drunk again , seriously .

note : courtney - give my ipod back T___T

this made me laugh:

mmm , thats bout it . ladaz

1 comment:

Courrtneyyy said...

:L lololol sorryyy dee :L