Tuesday, August 31, 2010


cbf blogging , but someones forcing me too =.="
hmm , havnt done much ~ just study , clubbing , sleep .
currently watching young and dangerous because i am bored [yes , all 6 of them].
went to korean bbq and karaoke last night . pretty fail . . . but good to spend time with friends
hmm , thats bout it .
i love you , mmk bye

Sunday, August 29, 2010



Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 -

Original Price : AU $ 1 6 5 . 0 0
Our price : AU $ 9 5 . 0 0
Condition : New & Unopened.
* Only selling in Brisbane.
No refunds.

System Requirements -
1.6GHz or faster processor
Microsoft® Windows® XP with Service Pack 2 or 3, Windows Vista®, or Windows 7
1GB of RAM
2GB of available hard-disk space
Color monitor with 16-bit color video card
1,024x576 monitor resolution at 96dpi or less
Microsoft DirectX 9 compatible display driver
DVD-ROM drive
Web features require Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 through 8 or Mozilla Firefox 1.5 through 3.x

It contains most of the features of the professional version but with fewer and simpler options. The program allows users to create, edit, organize and share images, all from the same product.

Contact Elisa at azn_angel1706@hotmail.com
for more details and meet ups.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hey guys !
I went to dreamworld for physics today. It was cloudy and cold :(. Swear, two of my other friends were wearing the same jacket as me ._. Oh well, I had a cardigan in my bag so I wore that instead :).
Me and my friends went on the Claw, giant drop, reef diver, log ride, thunder river, etc .. AND OMG ! i bought one of these today (see below). It was so yummy T^T but it was $5.70...
Large Candee Fluff Cups w/Lids 175/cs
I also went into this other candy store and bought one of these too :) for $1.90 . i havent had these since gr 5 :D
When the bus drove us back to school, I had to again drive back home. Swear to god, so many noobs on the road. They don't signal, speed, too slow, etc etc...
-.- At the end of the day, I feel so sick.. Motion sickness is kicking in. I think i ate too much fairy floss and went on a few too many rides.. Blehhh.. I can still feel the swinging motion of the Claw.

Well, Off this topic. Few minutes ago, I had a epic idea. :D
Me and Dee are bored so we would like to answer questions. The 10 most interesting questions asked by you guys on my formspring: formspring.me/Jenniphuckkk , will be answered AND posted on this blog. Btw, no inappropiate questions please :).. HURRY AND ASK US!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


name - Nga (Jennifer) Dang
nickname - jennipho/jen/jenniphuck
birthday - 17 April 1994
height - 162 cm
weight - 53kg.. fat.
hair - Dark brownish orangy blackish
eyes - black?
any piercings? Both ears
tattoos? No
any siblings? Younger Sister
what do you like to wear? Nice clothes o_o

book? Rice Mother
colour? Silver
movie? Inception
celebrity? Park Yong Hee.. SHE IS MINE BITCHES !
place? Warm in my bed ^^
food? Pho & Rice paper rolls :D
dessert? CREAM BUN/CAKE!
alcoholic drink? Smirnoff ._.
non-alcoholic drink? Aloe Vera
day of the week? Friday
number? 17
month? December
city? Sydney
country? Aus.. Vietnam?
animal? Baby animals
time of the day? 11pm
smell? Perfume and cologne -drool-
tv channel? Ten
song at the moment? Implode - BoA
friend? A few :D

*least favourite...*
place to be? near a stinky place/person..
time of the day? 6am
day of the week? Wednesday
song/music gender? Country..
animal to you? dunno
drink? Warm coke
food? what DON'T i like to eat?

*have u ever...*
been so drunk that you cant remember? No
cheated? NO
been cheated on? Yes
been in love? Yes
been on TV? No
stolen anything? Yes
been on stage? Yes
passed out? No
had a surgery? No
broke the law intentionally? Yes
had a friend pass away? Yes...
been lied? Yes
been dumped? Yes..

*do you...*
do drugs? panadol?
get drunk? No, not really..
dance? Yes
party? Yes
sing? Yes, karaoke :D
play an instrument? Yes, Violin
get along with your parents? Sort of
think you are attractive? derpderp..
swear? Yes
smoke? In my dream yes .. >_>
get motion sickness? Sometimes when I'm hungry and on the bus ..
wear contacts/glasses? Both
get good marks? Getting A/Bs..
watch cartoon? Yes
drink milk :3 ? Can't drink plain milk.. stomach aches
write poems/stories? Stories :3
take a particular medicine? O__o the vitamin C shit LOL
go to psychologist? No
have a pet? Dog
are you allergic to something? No
play an online rpg? LoL
get online on msn a lot? Yes
google a lot? Yes
have fights? No
read magazines? Yes
read comics? Yes
how many hours do you sleep? 7
how frequently do you go to hairdresser? once every term O_o
get along with your teachers? Yes

What's your preferred genre of music? Asian, korean and jap
All-time favorite band/artist? Epik High
All-time favorite song? 18 -GEM
How many CDs or MP3s of your favorite band/artist do you have? NONE!
What's your favorite radio station? Nova
rock? No
blues/jazz? Appasionata :)
classical? mmm.. I play in the school orchestra
rap? Korean ._.
pop? Yes
heavy metal? No
techno? Yes
reggae? No
r&b? Yes :)

time you cried? Last month
movie you watched? The Myth
person you talked on the phone? Mason..
cigarette? In the dream
song played? All I wanted - Paramore
thing you ate? Wedges with sweet Chilli and sour cream
time you took a bubble bath? 6 Years ago.
time you got drunk? Last year?
time you read a book? Last week
email you get? Facebook notification..
person you got into a fight with? Some random gr 8 ..
time you hugged someone? Few weeks ago :)
time you kissed someone? Last holidays
time you met someone new? Few days ago :)
time you went for a date? Last holidays..

*do you believe in...*
God? Maybe
religions? Guess so
aliens? Yes.
ghosts? YES!
afterlife? Dunno
yourself? Yes
astrology? No
karma? Yes
magic? No

*in a boy*
hair? Short.. nice ?
eyes? Dont mind.
hobbies? Dont mind
style of clothing? Stylish but not too stylish :)
kiss on first date? How cute :) maybe.
love at first sight? No

who do you wanna slap? the gr 8 kid
who do you wanna kill? the gr 8 kid
your dream? i was driving on the highway, went through this road with many dead trees and saw a dump site for cars..
do you want to get married? Yeah when I'm older
love? i love you :)
i wanna be: me
all you need is: love, intelligence and will
identy yourself with 3 words: Fun, Different and Nice
what is your worst characteristic? Fixing my hair?
what are your fears? Driving beside big trucks and losing stuff = freaking out
what is your weakness? Thinking too much and stress
favourite quote? what the shit.
cartman or kenny? wtf ._.
shoes you weared last time? Black leather lace up school shoes..
what is your aim for this year? Survive Year 11

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


got told to blog =.=
hmmm , nothings happened since last ~ more study , went to hospital for a day , might need to go again soon aye Lee ? =.= fcuk you L O L

planning on going back with aytee haha , both have fcuked up hands (y) [his is worse tho ahahaha] ~GG

hmmm , and to you ; i am soooo innocent , dont you agree ? ;)

-tattoo in 2 weeks ? x]

Saturday, August 14, 2010


FML - got assignment to do , thought i could get the criteria off blackboard [internet] and do it over weekend ; but nooooo , teachers an effing tool and didn't upload it haha , go fcuk yourself =.=
-sigh- , nothing to do on weekend now . . . might go see the boys tonite =]

been weird few days - done the most random things . yesterday after i finished tafe , i went into stevens uni lecture with seeto , anthonii and elaine . i didnt think, and sat on the inside of the seats . so when i needed to leave early . . . GG
stood up infront of all these ppl , and the aisles are really fcukn small so took me agez to get out =.= swear the teacher stopped talking while i was walking out . . . F M L .
-watched "the expendables" with my dad . . . pretty effing good movie . except there was a group of guys there that i hate at the cinemas , and i swear they were going to start me , then my dad came up to me and they turned around :L go fcuk yourselves :)
hmmm , been really sleepy lately , not sure why =[ sorry for falling asleep on you last night danika :( didn't mean too ! !! !!!

hmm , currently readin this extremely funny/cute letter someone gave me (y). makes me smile so much reading it you know :L - was nice seeing you the other day btw :) was fun .

hmmm , btw - anyone planning to watch tekken movie at cinema's when it comes out . . . DONT. lololol , worst fcukn movie ive ever seen ~ id rather watch the titanic 3 times in a row =.=

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Trust me, I still think about you.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jen: Part 5 of 5

Johnny Dao:
First Impression: oh yum hes viet.
Confession: derpderpderp...
oh hi... you go to my school we've known eachother for like.. idk since gr 8? O_O ... :)
like i said to Tiasha.. i hope we both enjoy the last 1.5 years of highschool... and thanks for the rnb songs :)

Boii (Christian) Nguyen:
First Impression: oh hi :)
Confession: I wonder why you keep changing your nickname from .. kychien to boii O_O
wow dude i havent seen you for ages.. hey wait i saw you on saturday.. i nearly got in trouble for that.. >_> .. hmmn well you`re cool -shifty- nice :D.............................................................?

Jen: Part 4 of 5

Tiasha De Silva:
First Impression: ooOoooOo she`s in my form class :O!
Confession: Your mum lives in woodridge ! :) and no i dont live in inala XD
Well you`re really funny :) we catch the same bus.. live in the same suburb.. WAS in the same form class til the school system changed.. urmm... yeah ... well hope we can catch up and make the most of the last 1.5 years of highschool :)

Wesley Yu:
First Impression: WTF I KNEW HIM ALL ALONG !
Confession: i like your new hair better than your old hair :D
WHY DONT WE TALK MUCH ANYMORE D:! anwyays :P well you`re nice ... and funny :) ..
and no i didnt NEARLY hit you with my car >_> NOOB! anyways.. how you been ? we suddenly stopped talking T^T.. uh... dunno what to say.. you`re cool ? :P

NEXT: Johnny Dao and Boii Nguyen

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jen: Part 3 of 5

Hey I`m back o_o been busy with studies and stuff.. well this is part 3 of 5.
Maikal Le:
First Impression: how cute :O !
Confession: I wish we hung out more !!!!! Cuz you`re leaving back to adelaide on wednesday
HMMMM... You`re really outgoing and sweet :)! urm.. you`re funny and evil in a good way >>".. you`re fun to talk to.. sometimes you brighten up my day keke :) omg remember the time when we bought hungry jacks and brought it to that viet restaurant LOL. -no hamburger and soft drink sign-. yeah i think that was funny :)... UMMM.. If we lived in the same city, i`ll defs hang with you 24/7 :) cuz you`re that awesome -coughs- .. XD

Matthew Lo:
First Impression: OMG! don't jump onto the MT machine when i`m about to win
Confession: urm... i wish we could talk more? XD
Urmm.. so what do I think of you? ... I don't know.. we haven't actually hung out or talked..
-shifty-... well if we talk for a bit .. maybe i could know you better :)!!

NEXT TIME: Tiasha De Silva & Wesley Yu

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Crazy weekend (spent so much money ==) .

friday night:
- hung in city with the boys
- ate dinner with quan , huy and chloe
- bought alcohol then bussed back to tee's to party
- drank so much that we couldnt walk straight haha
- ate $50 worth of KFC [thankyou Tho :D]
- went to mystique til 3-4 in the morning
- drove to sunnybank hills , then back to tee's
- Kept drinking with Long Dang until 6 in the morning , then fell asleep

- Woke up at 3 in the afternoon
- drove to sunnybank to sort some things out
- got another $40 worth of KFC [thankyou Huy :D] ahahaha
- drank some more , then hit mystique again (or , attempted too).
- one of the boys threw up in the line , aswell as some other issues >.>
- got driven back to tee's where we just chilled , talked and played fcuked up games .
example :
wrap one of the boys up in 2 blankets ~ then beat the eff out of them ahaha . Thankyou Quan for the corked arm and leg =.=

- woke up early
- litterally got up , packed bag - and caught bus to southbank
- dam sunday bus timetables =.=" sat there for 30 mins
- got home , noone is there , and key is not out for me . . . FML
- fall asleep next to pool
- dad kicks me in to wake me up . up yours dad (y)
- had shower - straight to msn ~ but she wasnt there >: [
- sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep (y)
- rest of night was filled up by her ;)

to c_tie xDDD (i didn'tsay it :P)
hope you know how much i've missed you this weekend .
dnt see why you bother going to work ~ when you dont do shit ahahaha :P
loved seeing you face light up today when i told you to smile . . . made my day (not ruined it =.=") thankyou for making me feel happier then i have for a long time ♥